from Monday, 31 May 2021 (09:00) to Thursday, 24 June 2021 (18:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
31 May 2021
1 Jun 2021
2 Jun 2021
3 Jun 2021
4 Jun 2021
5 Jun 2021
6 Jun 2021
7 Jun 2021
8 Jun 2021
9 Jun 2021
10 Jun 2021
11 Jun 2021
22 Jun 2021
23 Jun 2021
24 Jun 2021
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 13:30) ()
09:45 Opening I - Mikhail Vasiliev (Lebedev Physical Institute)   ()
10:00 Higher Spins Down Under - Sergei Kuzenko (U. of Western Australia, Perth)   ()
10:40 N=1 Supersymmetric Higher Spins in Various Dimensions - Mirian Tsulaia (Okinawa Institute of Science And Technology)   ()
11:20 Anomalies and Supersymmetry - Ioannis Papadimitriou (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul)   ()
12:00 Discussions   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 13:30) ()
10:00 On a gauge-invariant deformation of a classical gauge-invariant theory - Ioseph Buchbinder (Tosmk State Pedagogical U.)   ()
10:40 Interacting gauge fields from quantized spinning particles - Maxim Grigoriev (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow & ITMP, Moscow)   ()
11:20 Quantum codes and conformal field theories - Anatoly Dymarsky (U. of Kentucky)   ()
12:00 Discussions   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 13:30) ()
10:00 On massive spin 2 in Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism - Yurii Zinoviev (IHEP, Serpukhov)   ()
10:40 Observables and Invariants in 4D Higher Spin Gravity - Alexey Sharapov (Tomsk State U.)   ()
11:20 What is the force between two higher-spin black holes? - Yasha Neiman (Okinawa Institute of Science And Technology)   ()
12:00 Discussions   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 13:30) ()
10:00 On multiple mirrors of Calabi-Yau manifolds - Alexander Belavin (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow)   ()
10:40 TT ̄ deformation of 2d Yang-Mills: collective field theory and phase transitions - Alexander Gorsky (ITEP, Moscow)   ()
11:20 Massless finite and infinite spin representations of Poincar ́e group in six dimensions - Alexey Isaev (BLTP JINR, Dubna)   ()
12:00 Discussions   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 13:30) ()
10:00 Holographic QCD for NICA - Irina Aref’eva (Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow)   ()
10:40 Is the string breaking distance in QCD universal? - Oleg Andreev (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow & Munich U., ASC)   ()
11:20 Symmetries of energy flow operators - Gregory Korchemsky (IPhT, Saclay)   ()
12:00 Discussions   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 14:30) ()
10:45 Opening remarks - Andrei Barvinsky (Lebedev Inst. RAS, Moscow)   ()
11:00 The mixed R^2-Higgs inflationary model - Alexei Starobinsky (Landau Inst. RAS, Moscow)   ()
11:45 Conformal cyclic cosmology: why quantum gravity does not resolve the space-time singularity issue - Roger Penrose (Oxford U.)   ()
12:30 Holographic cosmology and the resolution of the initial singularity - Kostas Skenderis (U. of Southampton)   ()
13:15 --- Lunch. ---
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 15:00) ()
10:00 Primordial black holes - Misao Sasaki (Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa & U. of Tokyo)   ()
10:45 Formation of primordial black holes after Starobinsky inflation in modified supergravity - Sergey Ketov (Tokyo Metropolitan U. & Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa)   ()
11:30 Semiclassical S-matrix and black hole entropy in dilaton gravity - Dmitry Levkov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
12:15 --- Lunch ---
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 14:00) ()
10:00 Conformal symmetry: towards the link between the Fermi and the Planck scales - Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPFL, Lausanne)   ()
10:45 Non-singular cosmological models with strong gravity in the past - Valeri Rubakov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
11:30 Renormalization group inspired autonomous equations for secular effects in de Sitter space - Alexander Kamenshchik (U. of Bologna & Landau Inst. RAS, Moscow)   ()
12:15 Non-local R^2 -like inflation, gravitational waves and non- gaussianities - Korumilli Sravan Kumar (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 15:00) ()
10:00 How inflationary gravitons affect gravitational radiation and the force of gravity - Richard Woodard (U. of Florida, Gainesville)   ()
10:45 Towards a ghost-free theory of quantum gravity - Luca Buoninfante (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)   ()
11:30 Black hole perturbations in modified gravity - David Langlois (APC, Paris)   ()
12:15 Domain walls without a potential - Cedric Deffayet (CNRS IAP & IHES, Paris)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Modification of Gravity: Theories and Observations (until 16:00) ()
10:45 Opening - Valery Rubakov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
11:00 Minimalism in modified gravity - Mukohyama Shinji (Yukawa Inst. & Kyoto U.)   ()
11:40 Superluminality in DHOST theories with extra matter - Victoria Volkova (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
12:20 Mimetic Mix - Alexander Vikman (CEICO, Inst. of Physics, Prague)   ()
13:00 Torsion bigravity: a purely geometric modified theory of gravity - Vasilisa Nikiforova (IHES, Paris)   ()
13:40 Perturbations of black holes in shift-symmetric scalar-tensor theories - Tsutomu Kobayashi (Rikkyo U., Tokyo)   ()
14:20 --- Lunch ---
Modification of Gravity: Theories and Observations (until 16:00) ()
11:00 New physics on the horizon? Recent developments and challenges in tests of dark compact objects - Paolo Pani (Sapienza U., Rome)   ()
11:40 Black hole scalarization - Thomas Sotiriou (Black hole scalarization)   ()
12:20 One, no one, and one hundred thousand: hairy black holes in shift symmetric theories - Enrico Trincherini (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)   ()
13:00 Asymptotically flat hairy black holes in massive bigravity - Mikhail Volkov (Inst. Denis Poisson & U. of Tours)   ()
13:40 Almost stable wormhole in beyond Horndeski theory - Sergei Mironov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
14:20 --- Lunch ---
Modification of Gravity: Theories and Observations (until 16:00) ()
11:00 Cosmological perturbations in Palatini formalism - Masahide Yamaguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)   ()
11:45 Weak gravity in dark energy with energy and momentum couplings - Shinji Tsujikawa (Waseda U., Tokyo)   ()
12:30 Modified gravity in nonsingular cosmology - Yong Cai (Zhengzhou U.)   ()
13:15 Discussion   ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
Dark Matter (until 13:10) ()
11:00 Opening Remarks - Igor Tkachev (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
11:10 Could cosmological tensions hint at non-standard DM properties? - Julien Lesgourgues (RWTH Aachen U.)   ()
11:50 Higher-spin Dark Matter - Martti Raidal (NICPB, Tallinn)   ()
12:30 Status and Prospects of Axion Experiments at DESY - Andreas Ringwald (DESY, Hamburg)   ()
Dark Matter (until 13:00) ()
11:00 Antistars in the Galaxy - Alexander Dolgov (Novosibirsk State U.)   ()
11:40 Mirror Matter: Astrophysical implications - Zurab Berezhiani (U. L’Aquila & LNGS, L’Aquila)   ()
12:20 Einstein-Cartan Portal to Dark Matter - Inar Timiryasov (EPFL, Lausanne)   ()
Dark Matter (until 13:00) ()
11:00 Structure formation with nonrelativistic scalar fields - Jens Niemeyer (U. of Gottingen)   ()
11:40 Axion Dark Matter Simulations - Javier Redondo (Zaragoza U.)   ()
12:20 Understanding Axion Miniclusters: Formation and observational signatures - David Ellis (U. of Gottingen)   ()
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 19:40) ()
13:30 Boundary conditions, orderings and Fronsdal fields in Vasiliev’s higher-spin gravity - Carlo Iazeolla (G. Marconi University, Rome)   ()
14:10 Coloured Poincaré Algebra and Corresponding Particles - Karapet Mkrtchyan (Imperial College London)   ()
14:50 Unfolding Conformal Geometry - Euihun Joung (Kyung Hee University, Suwon)   ()
15:30 Discussions   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Opening II. Sakharov’s science achievements in modern perspective - Mikhail Vasiliev (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow) Boris Altshuler (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow)   ()
17:00 Two-Dimensional Gauge Theory with Adjoint Matter - Igor Klebanov (Princeton U.)   ()
17:40 Non-abelian U-dualities - Edvard Musaev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)   ()
18:20 Non-abelian fermionic T-duality - Ilya Bakhmatov (ITMP, Moscow)   ()
19:00 Discussions   ()
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 19:30) ()
13:30 Non-renormalizable theories - Dmitry Kazakov (JINR, Dubna)   ()
14:10 Higher-dimensional invariants in 6D SYM theory - Evgeny Ivanov (BLTP JINR, Dubna)   ()
14:50 Spin(7) instantons in eight dimensions - Andrei Smilga (U. of Nantes)   ()
15:30 Discussions   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
17:00 Coadjoint representation of BMS4 on celestial Riemann surfaces - Glenn Barnich (Brussels U., PTM)   ()
17:40 BMS higher-spin algebra and symmetries of d’Alembert equation - Xavier Bekaert (U. of Tours)   ()
18:20 Spinor-helicity formalism in AdS and higher spins - Dmitry Ponomarev (ITMP, Moscow)   ()
19:00 Discussions   ()
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 19:30) ()
13:30 An exact AdS/CFT duality - Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH, Zurich)   ()
14:10 Thermal Large N Holography - Bo Sundborg (Stockholm U.)   ()
14:50 Stress tensor sector of conformal correlators and holography - Andrei Parnachev (Trinity College Dublin)   ()
15:30 Discussions   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
17:00 Stability Issues with Broken Supersymmetry - Augusto Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, ITALY)   ()
17:40 Quantization of massless particles and gauged Poisson sigma mod- els - Per Sundell (Andres Bello Natl. U., Santiago)   ()
18:20 On the Lagrangian formulation of the double copy - Dario Francia (Enrico Fermi Ctr., Rome & Roma Tre U.)   ()
19:00 Discussions   ()
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 19:30) ()
13:30 Dually weighted graphs and 2d quantum gravity - Vladimir Kazakov (ENS, Paris)   ()
14:10 Integrable structures in CFT and affine Yangians - Alexey Litvinov (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow)   ()
14:50 N=2 and N=4 hyperbolic Calogero-Sutherland systems from gaug- ing matrix models - Sergey Fedoruk (BLTP JINR, Dubna)   ()
15:30 Discussions   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
17:00 Comments on black holes at the string temperature - Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)   ()
17:40 E11 exceptional field theory - Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam)   ()
18:20 On planar solutions in HS theory - Vyacheslav Didenko (Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow)   ()
19:00 Discussions   ()
Integrability, Holography, Higher-Spin Gravity and Strings (until 20:10) ()
13:30 New integrable coset sigma models - Gleb Arutyunov (Hamburg U.)   ()
14:10 Integrability and RG flow in 2d sigma models - Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial College London)   ()
14:50 Integrability in defect CFT - Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita, Stockholm)   ()
15:30 Discussions   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break. ---
17:00 ModMax and Others - Dmitri Sorokin (INFN, Padua Division, Italy)   ()
17:40 Exotic duality and higher-spin - Nicolas Boulanger (UMONS, Mons)   ()
18:20 On polarized scattering equation for amplitudes of 10D SYM and 11D supergravity. - Igor Bandos (Basque U., Bilbao)   ()
19:00 Discussions   ()
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 19:30) ()
14:30 The cosmological constant in supergravity and string theory - Ignatios Antoniadis (LPTHE—CNRS—Sorbonne U., France & KU Leuven)   ()
15:15 Cosmology with inverse phase transition - Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
16:00 Reheating in Higgs–R^2 inflation - Fedor Bezrukov (U. of Manchester)   ()
16:45 Einstein-Cartan gravity and Higgs inflation - Sebastian Zell (EPFL, Lausanne)   ()
17:30 --- Coffee ---
18:00 Initial conditions for inflation - Andrei Linde (Stanford U.)   ()
18:45 Vacuum energy of the Universe, large scale magnetic field and nontrivial topology in Quantum Field Theory - Ariel Zhitnitsky (U. of British Columbia, Vancouver)   ()
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 20:00) ()
15:00 Quantum extremal islands made easy - Robert Myers (Perimeter Inst., Waterloo)   ()
15:45 Replica wormholes and the information paradox - Tom Hartman (Cornell U.)   ()
16:30 Black hole induced false vacuum decay from first principles - Andrey Shkerin (U. of Minnesota)   ()
17:15 --- Coffee Break ---
18:00 Path integral for gravity - Neil Turok (U. of Edinburgh)   ()
18:45 The impact of cosmology on quantum mechanics - James Hartle (U. of California, Santa Barbara)   ()
19:30 Black Holes in Ultraviolet-Complete Horava Gravity - Sergei Sibiryakov (Perimeter Inst., Waterloo)   ()
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 20:00) ()
17:00 Quantum tests of (quantum) gravity - Markus Aspelmeyer (U. of Vienna & IQOQI)   ()
17:45 Quantum superposition of massive bodies - Robert Wald (U. of Chcago)   ()
18:30 Frequency interferometry and BEC measurement of acceleration radiation - William Unruh (UBC, Vancouver)   ()
19:15 Correlated worldline theory of quantum gravity - Philip Stamp (Pacific Inst. of Theoretical Physics & U. of British Columbia, Vancouver)   ()
New Physics at the Intensity Frontier (until 17:00) ()
12:55 Opening Remarks - Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS)   ()
13:00 The search for feebly-interacting particles in the new Physics Beyond Colliders activity - Gaia Lanfranchi (LNF-INFN, Frascati)   ()
13:30 Recent results and plans of the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS - Mikhail Kirsanov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
14:00 The NA62 experiment at CERN: recent results and prospects - Evgueni Goudzovski (Birmingham U.)   ()
14:30 Constraints on light scalars from PS191 results - Igor Krasnov (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
15:00 --- Lunch ---
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 19:30) ()
14:00 A perturbative continuum limit for quantum gravity - Tim Morris (U. of Southampton)   ()
14:45 Form factors in quantum gravity - Frank Saueressig (Radboud U., Nijmegen)   ()
15:30 Quantizing the analytic infinite derivative gravity theory: propagator and unitarity - Alexei Koshelev (U. da Beira Interior, Covilha)   ()
16:15 Quantum gravity, RG equations and the recurrence pole relations - Sergey Solodukhin (U. de Tours)   ()
17:00 --- Coffee Break ---
18:00 Black holes in a limiting curvature theory of gravity - Valeri Frolov (U. of Alberta)   ()
18:45 Quantization of gravity in the black hole background - Renata Kallosh (Stanford U.)   ()
New Physics at the Intensity Frontier (until 19:30) ()
17:00 Double-Hit Signature of Millicharged Particles in 3D segmented neutrino detector - Sergey Suvorov (LPNHE (CNRS/IN2P3), Paris) & INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
17:30 Hadronic decays of a light Higgs-like scalar - Alexander Monin (EPFL, Lausanne, LPTP)   ()
18:00 Light inflaton model in a metastable Universe - Abigail Keats (U. of Manchester)   ()
18:30 Light Beyond-SM particles in K-meson decays - Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter Inst., Ontario)   ()
19:00 Gauged U(1) extended Standard Model and long-lived new particle searches - Nobuchika Okada (U. Alabama, Tuscaloosa)   ()
New Physics at the Intensity Frontier (until 17:00) ()
13:00 A Heavy Metal Path to New Physics - Marco Drewes (Catholic U. of Louvain)   ()
13:30 Searches for Sterile Neutrinos - Frank Deppisch (U. College London)   ()
14:00 SHiP and searches for new physics - Maksym Ovchynnikov (Leiden U.)   ()
14:30 Status and prospects of the CODEX-b detector - Vladimir Vava Gligorov (CNRS/IN2P3, Paris)   ()
15:00 --- Lunch ---
Advanced Computing in Particle Physics (until 19:05) ()
15:00 Opening Remarks - Alexander Nozik (MIPT)   ()
15:05 Differentiable programming for particle physics simulations - Roland Grinis (MIPT & GrinisRIT, Moscow)   ()
17:05 Machine learning methods used for data analysis at LHC - Denis Derkach (HSE, Moscow)   ()
17:40 Deep learning-based algorithms in astroparticle physics - Jonas Glombitza (RWTH Aachen U.)   ()
18:15 UHECR Mass Composition Reconstruction using deep learning in Telescope Array Surface Array Detector - Ivan Kharuk (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
18:40 Testing UHECR origin hypotheses using deep learning - Oleg Kalashev (INR RAS, Moscow)   ()
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology (until 18:05) ()
15:00 Instantons with quantum core - Viatcheslav Mukhanov (LMU, Munich)   ()
15:45 Smarr formulas and rod structure - Dmitry Galtsov (Lomonosov Moscow State U.)   ()
16:30 Global dynamics for Newton and Planck - Alexander Vikman (CEICO, Inst. of Physics, Prague)   ()
17:15 Shadows around at the Galactic Center and at M87* as a tool to test gravity theories - Alexander Zakharov (ITEP, Moscow)   ()
18:00 Closing remarks - Andrei Barvinsky (Lebedev Inst. RAS)   ()
New Physics at the Intensity Frontier (until 20:40) ()
17:00 AN Underground Belayed In-Shaft (ANUBIS) experiment to search for long-lived particles using LHC service shafts at CERN - Oleg Brandt (Cambridge U.)   ()
17:30 MATHUSLA LLP Detector Proposal: Current Status and Prospects - David Curtin (Toronto U.)   ()
18:00 Predictions on sgoldstino searhes at FASER - Dmitry Kalashnikov (Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology)   ()
18:30 FASER and the Forward Physics Facility - Jonathan Feng (U. of California, Irvine)   ()
19:00 --- Coffee ---
19:10 Discussion   ()
Advanced Computing in Particle Physics (until 18:35) ()
14:30 Nonlocal Potts model on random lattice and chromatic number of the plane - Aleksei Tanashkin (Far Eastern Federal U.)   ()
14:55 An introduction to Julia language - Oliver Schulz (MPI for Physics, Munich)   ()
16:55 Bayesian analysis toolkit - Oliver Schulz (MPI for Physics, Munich)   ()
17:20 Scientific visualization libraries in Kotlin Multiplatform - Alexander Nozik (MIPT)   ()
17:45 Generative Modeling for HEP - Artem Maevsky (HSE, Moscow)   ()
18:10 Machine-learning Optimized Design of Experiments - Alexey Boldyrev (HSE, Moscow)   ()
18:30 Closing Remarks - Aleksander Nozik (MIPT)   ()
Modification of Gravity: Theories and Observations (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Testing modified gravity using gravitational wave observations - Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U.)   ()
16:40 Fundamental physics and cosmology after the second LIGO-Virgo GW catalog - Ed Porter (APC, Paris)   ()
17:20 Dark Energy and GW observations - Paolo Creminelli (ICTP, Trieste)   ()
Modification of Gravity: Theories and Observations (until 18:40) ()
16:00 Black holes perturbations in modified gravity - David Langlois (APC, Paris)   ()
16:40 Trajectories of bright stars near the Galactic Center as a tool to test gravity theories - Alexander Zakharov (NRC “Kurchatov Institute” — ITEP, Moscow)   ()
17:20 Deformed Black Hole in Sgr A - Timothy Anson (IJCLab, Orsay)   ()
18:00 Testing the Kerr paradigm - Emanuele Berti (Johns Hopkins U., Baltimore)   ()
Modification of Gravity: Theories and Observations (until 18:10) ()
16:00 Degeneracy, matter coupling and disformal transformations in scalar-tensor theories - Cedric Deffayet (IAP & IHES, Paris)   ()
16:40 Construction of inflationary models with the Gauss-Bonnet term - Sergey Vernov (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, MSU)   ()
17:20 Genesis and bounce in Horndeski theories: strong gravity in the past - Yulia Ageeva (Lomonosov Moscow State U.)   ()
18:00 Closing Remarks   ()
13:10 --- Lunch ---
Dark Matter (until 18:30) ()
16:30 The meV/THz QCD Axion - David Marsh (King’s College London)   ()
17:10 Telescope Array bursts and ANITA anomalous events as manifestation of the Dark Matter - Ariel Zhitnitsky (U. of British Columbia, Vancouver)   ()
17:50 Astrophysical Signatures of Self-Interacting DM - Mauro Valli (U. of California, Irvine)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Dark Matter (until 17:40) ()
15:00 Primordial Black Holes from an Early Matter Phase - Chris Kouvaris (National Technical U. of Athens)   ()
15:40 Primordial NanoBlackHoles - Antonio Riotto (U. of Geneva)   ()
16:20 Astrophysical Probes of Dark Matter - Malcolm Fairbairn (King’s College London)   ()
17:00 Probing interacting dark matter and accreting primordial black holes with the CMB - Yacine Ali-Haimoud (New York U.)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Dark Matter (until 17:45) ()
15:00 Searching for Axion Stars with Large Decay Constants - Joshua Eby (Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa)   ()
15:40 Instability of rotating Bose stars - Dmitry Levkov (INR RAS, Moscow & ITMP MSU, Moscow)   ()
16:20 Photophilic hadronic axion from heavy magnetic monopoles - Anton Sokolov (DESY, Hamburg)   ()
17:00 Aspects of superfluid and quantum dark matter - Mark Hertzberg (Tufts U.)   ()
17:40 Closing Remarks - Petr Tinyakov (Brussels U.)   ()