


The conference has been cancelled by the Organizing Committee.

"Quarks-2022" is the 22nd in the series of conferences on high-energy physics taking place biennially since 1980 in various historical and cultural places of Georgia (before 1992) and Russia. The previous off-line seminar, "Quarks-2018", was held in Valday, while “Quarks-2020” was organized online in June 2021.

This year, the Seminar "Quarks-2022" will be held online in the form of several thematic workshops:

  1. Multiloop calculations: methods and results (June 6-10, 2022)
    Conveners: Konstantin Chetyrkin (KIT & Regensburg U.), Vladimir Smirnov (SINP MSU)
  2. Light neutrinos (2nd week of June 2022)
    Conveners: Mikhail Danilov (Lebedev Inst.), Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS)
  3. Charm of beauty at $e^+ e^-$ colliders (June 13-16, 2022)
    Conveners: Sergey Barsuk (IJCLab Orsay), Pavel Pakhlov (Lebedev Inst.), Vitaly Vorobyev (Budker Inst. & Novosibirsk U.)
    Application form for the workshop speakers

  4. Recent developments in gauge theory - string theory duality (June 13-17, 2022)
    Conveners: Dmitry Ponomarev (ITMP MSU & Lebedev Inst.), Arkady Tseytlin (Imperial Coll., ITMP MSU & Lebedev Inst.)
  5. Physics of the Early Universe (June 13-17, 2022)
    Conveners: Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPFL), Andrey Shkerin (Minnesota U.), Inar Timiryasov (Copenhagen U.), Sebastian Zell (EPFL)
  6. High-energy physics meets condensed matter (June 22-24, 2022)
    Conveners: Max Metlitski (MIT), Dam T. Son (Chicago U.)
  7. Theoretical studies of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos (June 23-24, 2022)
    Conveners: Grigory Rubtsov (INR RAS), Dmitry Semikoz (APC), Sergey Troitsky (INR RAS)

Speakers will be invited by the workshop conveners. To attend the talks, please fill in the application form.

There will be no conference fee for the participants

The Seminar is organized by the Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Joint Institute for Nuclear ResearchSaint Petersburg State University, and  Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

The agenda of this meeting is empty